Financially Adjusted
The Financially Adjusted podcast is for all the current and aspiring small business entrepreneurs out there. I'm Leslie Roth - a virtual bookkeeping business owner- and I'm excited to share my knowledge and expertise with you when it comes to handling the money in your business and life. We'll get into all kinds of money topics: financial systems, budgeting, bookkeeping, setting and working toward financial goals, and the overall management of your finances. My goal is to leave you feeling enlightened, inspired, empowered, and confident as an entrepreneur. Settle in and hit follow! You are not on this journey alone!
For more entrepreneurial financial help, go to www.financiallyadjusted.com.
Financially Adjusted
In this episode I highlight the pros and cons of DIY versus outsourced bookkeeping for chiropractors. Whether you're a hands-on entrepreneur looking to save costs or considering outsourcing to free up your time, this episode covers the factors you need to consider before making your decision. Learn about the benefits, challenges, and hybrid approaches that can help you maintain accurate and timely financial records, no matter the stage of your business.
What You'll Learn:
- Why accurate bookkeeping is essential for chiropractors.
- The pros and cons of DIY bookkeeping, including cost savings and control.
- How outsourcing bookkeeping can save you time and ensure compliance.
- Key questions to ask yourself when deciding the best route for your practice.
- Hybrid approaches to bookkeeping that balance involvement and professional oversight.
Resources Mentioned:
- Free Chiropractic Sample Profit & Loss
- Episode 11: Understand Your Profit & Loss Like a Boss
- Episode 12: Understand the Meat of Your Balance Sheet
- Episode 10: Get in the Flow with the Right Pros
Helpful Resources:
Email me with any questions you’d like answered in future Q&A episodes!
Recommended payroll software (affiliate links):
Recommended bank and the one I use in my business (affiliate link):
QuickBooks Online is my go-to accounting software. Get an amazing discount (30% off for 6 months) when you buy with my affiliate link below.
My favorite budgeting app w/ an amazing free version:
My preferred business credit card with cash rewards (affiliate link):
If you have healthy behaviors around spending with a credit card, this is a great one to use and earn cash back. It also links up well with QuickBooks Online. If you have unhealthy spending habits with credit cards, please avoid using one! You need to be able to pay it off monthly and not carry a balance. I use this one for my business and it makes paying bills simple.
Check out all my FREE financial resources in one place
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Disclaimer: This content is for educational and informational purposes only. Please consult with an accounting professional for direct advice based on your specific business situation.
What's up chiropractors? Thanks for tuning in today. If you're new to me and this podcast, I'm Leslie Roth and every week on Thursday I'm bringing you great info…on business finances along with actionable steps on all kinds of financial topics around running your chiropractic business Wherever you are in your entrepreneurial journey it's never a bad idea to invest time in learning more about managing your money well I think it says a lot about who you are as a business owner that you're tuning in today So good for you. Today's topic is all about whether you should DIY or outsource your bookkeeping.
If you're already…DIYing it, you might be wondering if you should outsource and vice versa. Maybe you have an outsource bookkeeper already doing it and you're you know wondering if you maybe should take over yourself to save some money and have more control…or if you maybe have a spouse that, um has availability of time to do it Maybe you're wondering if it would be a good idea to go that route. So um
we're going to talk about some pros and cons of each situation. So, no matter what your situation is today's episode, can help you determine this and help you get the wheels turning about this If you've ever wondered if you should go one way or the other So let's get right into it. The first thing I will talk about when it comes to this topic is what bookkeeping is and why it matters So you might also be someone who…Has not done bookkeeping yet Maybe you're just doing the whole bank balance accounting thing and…I am very glad you stumbled upon this podcast because…
It's such a good idea to have bookkeeping and it's a must in your business. You have to be tracking what's going on not just for compliance. When it comes to tax time but for your own sake, When it comes to being a good business owner and making good business decisions, and not flying blind in your business. So bookkeeping…is tracking and organizing all of your business's financial transactions. Simple as that.
It can get complicated, but it's really…simple in the concept and the definition So Why is it important? It helps you understand your financial health And of course, you know like I mentioned you want to be compliant with your taxes and this is a must have when it comes to accurately filing your taxes and reporting your revenue and your income. If you were to ever get audited, It's going to…look pretty bad if you don't have bookkeeping and…they're going to be wanting to know what exactly was your revenue what where your expense is They're gonna wanna see reports around it. They're going to want to deep dive into your finances…
And it's not gonna be so great if you don't have that already tracked, you're basically you're going to have to put together your bookkeeping. At that time and be scrambling to do so so So when you have your bookkeeping already ready to go you know you…accurately reported all of your information for your taxes and you're compliant, then you don't have to be in that terrible situation of scrambling to get the information organized after the fact. It's a whole lot easier to do it as you move along in your business versus going back…years to do it, especially when there's a time crunch or you're in a situation that's stressful like an audit.…so compliance is a huge thing…But most of all, when it comes to running your business, Financial reports and bookkeeping provide insights for making business decisions. If you don't have your bookkeeping, You are just flying blind You don't really know the financial health of your business You can guess and you can look at your bank balances but that's not really telling you what the whole picture is.
So in order to have that financial clarity in your business you must do your bookkeeping and do it accurately.
Good bookkeeping is a key part of a solid financial foundation and is necessary in order to run a thriving chiropractic business. Accurate bookkeeping is the key. So you can maybe be doing bookkeeping, but you're not getting your numbers right you're recording things incorrectly and in that situation you're…falsely reporting things on your taxes, and you have an incorrect unclear picture of what's going on in your business So having the accuracy in your bookkeeping is the only way to get that real picture of what's going on with your money. When your books are messy seen it inaccurate there is not going to be anything in there that really helps you or guides you in the proper way because you're working with false information…
Whether you decide DIYing or outsourcing is right for you need to take measures to make sure it's done accurately so if you are DIYing…And you don't know what you don't know, and you're not really sure if it's accurate. Then you definitely need to plug in to some education when it comes to doing your books right.
There are so many resources out there I'm gonna be putting more DIY bookkeeping resources out in the future So definitely stay tuned and a lot of my previous podcasts can help you to really understand how things are supposed to be categorized and how they fall into your financial reports and I have um two episodes specifically that think it would be helpful for you to listen to It's episodes eleven and twelve and I break down the financial statements a balance sheet and a profit and loss and what's on them. And if you're DIY in your bookkeeping
That can be really helpful to know what those reports are made up of and where you…funnel your money
The next thing we're gonna talk about is more specific DI DIY bookkeeping and whether or not that's right for you. We'll talk about the pros first and then we'll get into some cons. The first pro…that I think of when it comes to DIYBook keeping And I'm sure you do too. And what drove you to DIY you're bookkeeping the first place is cost savings. So if you're just starting out doing your own bookkeeping can save you a ton of money when you don't have a lot of extra money to spend.
The only…expense you would really incur when you're DIYing your bookkeeping would be software costs for accounting software where, you wouldn't have to pay an outsource bookkeeper to do it which…
On average for chiropractic bookkeeping, someone is typically gonna charge anywhere between I would say, three fifty and five hundred. On average it completely depends on who it is that's doing your books and your specific situation what volume of business you have what your setup is, all of that So…
When you're DIY you're bookkeeping that pro as cost savings. You probably will end up saving about four hundred dollars a month doing your own and you'll still have those software costs for the accounting software whether you DIY or outsource…
Understanding your…finances better is a pro I think. So when you're doing your bookkeeping yourself, you're in it You're you know hopefully you're deep diving into your finances and…while you're categorizing everything in your books your aware of what you're spending money on more so than if somebody's doing it for you and you're not really plugging into every expense that's coming through So managing the books yourself really helps you get a clearer picture of your income expenses and cash flow because you're looking at every single transaction that comes through. You're forced to categorize and organize your transactions, and this is cluing you in really to what's happening with your finances on a deeper So that can be a really good thing. So Third pro I'm gonna talk about is having control…
So this can be a pro and a con. You're directly involved in every financial…detail so you have a better chance of picking up on any fraudulent…or unnecessary expenses which is a great thing. And outsource bookkeepers can do this for you as well I know with my clients, If something's out of the norm I ask them about it or if something seems like weird like when I Google a company that was paid and it just seems really like a stranger expense, it's easy for me to know whether something can be fraudulent. But when you're the one, you know charging things in your business and then you're the one looking at them You're probably going to pick up on more unnecessary charges and fraudulent charges than somebody else would because you know your business so well You know whether or not you spent money on something and why.
So there's a big…if here. If you are staying on top of your bookkeeping, this pro of being in control will exist for you If you're not and you're letting it fall behind and you're not going in like weekly or at least twice, monthly you are not going to have this as a pro. You're not going to have your finger on the pulse of what's going on So this pro of being in control only really exists If you're plugging into your books and you're going in frequently to manageable bookkeeping…
Now I'm going to get into some of the cons of DIY bookkeeping. The first one is that it's time consuming. Bookkeeping, you know takes time away from patient care and growing your practice. And when you're running a busy practice, it is…hard to fit in those admin tasks and this is a big admin task that you're adding to the mix…
And in order for you to have your finger on the pulse of your business and your finances…You need up to date information and accurate monthly financial reports in a timely manner. And if you fall behind with your books because you're really busy, It can be really challenging to then catch up later. And you can be missing out on valuable information that you need in order to make business decisions in your practice in a certain time frame.…
If bookkeeping seems really time consuming to you when you're having a hard time fitting it into your schedule? Then this is gonna be a huge con for you Uh because you can't fit it in You're falling behind You don't have that accurate picture. And it may just the the more you grow your business get harder and harder to fit it in because…the tasks become more and you know the volume increases in your business So it gets even harder to fit it in So keep that in mind when you're considering DIY bookkeeping or maybe you're in that situation already. You know maybe you do your bookkeeping and you're one of those people where you're your months behind or maybe even like a year behind…
And then, you know it's just harder and harder to catch up and you don't know really when you're gonna do that You know it can it can be really the turning point for you to consider…Should I just be outsourcing my bookkeeping because I'm not able to stay up on it? Another con is a learning curve So…When you haven't had experience with bookkeeping in the past You don't know what you don't know. Mistakes can be costly and there's a lot to learn if you're not familiar with accounting basics. You don't have to be some deep level accounting person to be able to do a lot of your bookkeeping, but many times I see business owners underestimating the difficulty of doing bookkeeping. It's easy to go in and categorize expenses you know what you spent money on It's easy to just say yep this goes in this category and this category but then You don't know what you don't know and…
there's some expenses that come through that are a little trickier. And you can't just categorize like um a payroll debit as just all an expense because there's so much more that's made up. Of that cost that comes through to you and then same with debt payments. You can't just take a loan payment and categorize that as an expense know it's made up of a liability, and it's made up of an expense so you have to divide that up between principal and interest and make sure you're reconciling those loans So if you don't know some of this like, deeper level, accounting stuff and how to categorize that and have that go into the right buckets in your bookkeeping. Then you could really have inter inaccurate books.
If you're not categorizing those things the right way, and you might think…
Well you know I can learn that and that's that's great I think that you can. But…it's going back to the time consuming factor also like do you have the time to plug into the education that it takes to do your books right? And you wanna make sure that every month you have accurate books if you're thinking well I DIY my books and, you know once a year then my account looks at it before taxes and they make sure that um everything looks good. Well that's not good enough because…they don't have time to deep dive and to fix each month and each transaction so You might have your books right for taxes, but you've been dealing with inaccurate numbers throughout the year. So you weren't seeing the real financial picture of your business health You're just having compliance checked off but you don't have accurate numbers throughout the year so that can be a problem.
And I have a fourth con…to consider…And this is the last one for the DIY bookkeeping. Potential for burnout. Potential for burnout is real. Balancing patient care and running your business with all the admin tax tasks involved continuing education…
Managing the books can be overwhelming. It can be different in the beginning stages of business when things are a little bit less complicated in your bookkeeping. But moving forward in business, it gets harder and harder to juggle as you scale your business.
Things can get more complex down the road You know maybe your entity structure changes and you add some loans and you have more people on payroll. All of this makes it more complex and more time consuming, and…When it gets to the point where you're running a busier practice that's scaling, you're increasing your risk for burnout So that's something to really consider. And I have no problem You know with people that wanna DIY their bookkeeping and learn how to do it properly. That can absolutely be a a game changer when you're in the beginning stages of business or if you have a spouse…that does…have time to do it and they they have the time to invest in education? For learning how to do the bookkeeping right.
I think that can be a wonderful scenario and it is possible for…That to really work for people depending on your situation but You have to consider the pros and the cons of this when you're DIY bookkeeping? Or considering DIY DIY bookkeeping…
You have to look at the pros and the cons of…DIY bookkeeping whether you're doing it already or whether you were thinking of doing it. There's a lot to consider.…
I think that DIY bookkeeping is best for chiropractors who are in the early stages of business or have a very small practice, which usually they go hand in hand. Those who enjoy numbers and have the time to dedicate to the bookkeeping so if you absolutely hate numbers and you know it's gonna be really hard for you to set time aside every week and you're gonna probably avoid it. You need to get real with yourself around how…You feel about managing finances and managing your numbers if you or somebody who you've never liked it you know you're probably not gonna stay up on it. It's not best for you if but if you're somebody who enjoys that And you really you wanna be in that and learning how to do the bookkeeping You wanna…have a close relationship with all of your transactions and what's going on every month then it's probably great for you.…
And the third type of chiropractic business owner who I think DIY bookkeeping could work for and be great for is somebody who has a spouse or partner who can handle that for them dive into the education and have the time to do it. So if that's you and you know if that's been your situation for a little while but you're just you're not sure if you're doing the books accurately. Plug into some education you know have your spouse um join some groups you know for Whatever software you're using there could be tutorials…
like I said before I'll be putting out more education on DIY bookkeeping So Find good people online you can learn from you know search around on YouTube…you know see if there's some tutorials in your accounting software already that you could use They they usually have education programs I know QuickBooks online. They have all kinds of education out there and they even have a sample company you can play around with online, so there's some options for education
I recommend that you leverage any free resources that you can. And…Another option would be you know maybe you don't wanna hire an outsource bookkeeper to do your bookkeeping every month but You could hire somebody to do a consultation for you and to look at your books see if you're doing things accurately…guide you and point you in the right direction. But you know they're not doing your books every month They're they're just guiding you and maybe checking in quarterly…to…show you if you made any mistakes and help you to correct those in the future. That can be really helpful to get you on track and get you used to doing the books accurately…But you know you're still the one doing them…
So, we covered DIY bookkeeping all the pros all the cons, And next we're gonna get into outsourcing your bookkeeping and what I think are some pros and cons when it comes to that…
…The first pro of outsourcing your bookkeeping is expertise. You are getting a professional bookkeeper who knows the ins and outs of managing finances and managing book keeping. And if they're nitching in your industry you're naching However you say that If they're niching in your industry that's even better because they know all the ins and outs of what goes on in the bookkeeping for that niche. So that ensures more accuracy more compliance, and…Not all bookkeepers are created equal of course I've seen some bookkeepers royally screw up books and I've seen some amazing ones. So…you know make sure it's somebody who…
you know maybe works in your industry and knows what they're doing.…You could also introduce your bookkeeper to your CPA, get your CPA as a on how the books are being done Find out if they're doing a good job It's as simple as that They'll tell you. Another pro is time saving. You will free up so much of your time when you're not doing your own bookkeeping. And then you can focus more efforts on managing other parts of your business focusing on patient care more and I'm sure you have a lot of admin tasks on your plate already So…Moving that off your plate would probably help you a great deal with time management It So that's a huge pro.
Scalability is the third pro. As your practice grows a bookkeeper can handle increased complexity…and…it's more likely that with outsourcing your bookkeeping you'll have up to date books. And you'll be more likely to have realistic numbers. So if you do outsource your bookkeeping and it's taking months and months for your bookkeeper to get reports to you That's a red flag So look into that talk to them see if you can get your monthly books…finished and done by at least you know by the next month or end of the next month You need to be working with realistic up to date numbers So having your books done months and months later isn't really helping you so make sure if you do outsource your bookkeeping that they're doing this for you in a timely fashion. Because that should be one of the pros of outsourcing your bookkeeping is that You do have timely and accurate reports.
Now I'll get into…some of the cons for outsourcing bookkeeping. Cost is the most obvious one. You're gonna incur that cost on a monthly basis most likely depending on how you have things set up But like I said before it'll probably be somewhere between like hundred and fifty to five hundred dollars on average per month just depending on what you have going on One. Hiring a professional bookkeeper is an added expense
If you're in the beginning stages of your business, this is gonna hit you a lot harder because you're likely bringing in less revenue, and it's gonna hit your bottom line a little bit harder. However, I will say that I think the pros of hiring an outsourced bookkeeper…Make the cost completely…worth it. So you just have to weigh all the pros and cons in your specific situation.
So the second con is less immediate control. So you…will have to trust somebody with your financial details. Many people struggle with this and is the reason they hold back from outsourcing their bookkeeping. I can totally understand why I tend to be a little bit…
Of a cont I wouldn't say a control freak but I like to be in control of my own situation and…I wanna know I can trust somebody You can't really…know that for sure upfront till you start working with somebody but you can recommendations you can see, um what their Other clients are saying about them, and you can just gauge for yourself when you start to work with somebody, I I totally get it It's hard to want to hand over control just something that's so private and so sensitive. But there are options for maintaining privacy and security when it comes to this…For instance many banks and credit cards they have options add a third party user…
in all of your accounts and you can set permissions for So you can give a bookkeeper their own login and set read only permissions so that they can grab reports and any other information they need without having the ability to like transfer money out of your account
In episode ten I actually talk about finding the right professionals. It's called get in the flow with the right pros So I'll link that in the show notes.
I talk about how to find the right professionals and work with someone…
who can collaborate well communicate well, most important thing is communication…and doing timely reports. So somebody that you know keeps you up to date on what's going on gives you reports in a timely manner in who's communicating along the way and who you can reach out and ask questions too.
With my clients I make sure that they understand the most important numbers to look at on the reports and how to navigate those reports So…
they're not just getting these reports They don't know how to read and don't know how to interpret. You want somebody who's a good communicator and who will take the time to help you understand your reports not just send them off to you every month. As of now um, I might or might not have room for a few new clients, um even if I am not taking new clients, If you're looking for an outsource bookkeeper, reach out to me because I have an amazing referral network I can send somebody…
your way that knows chiropractic bookkeeping that is trustworthy and very professional…
If you are looking to outsource your bookkeeping…
You can DM me on Facebook instagram or email me at support at financially adjusted dot com…
Outsourced bookkeeping…can be best for really anyone, anyone in business I highly recommend working with a professional no matter what stage you're at, chiropractors with growing practices or who have more of a complex financial should definitely be outsourcing their bookkeeping. Those who value their time and really know that they don't have the time for bookkeeping or staying up to date on that. Definitely should consider outsourcing their bookkeeping So if that's you. Think about the time that you could get back What is the value of your time? And is it worth it to just go ahead and hire an outsourced bookkeeper…
It's also very important to ensure compliance and accuracy…when you have a more complicated stage of your business So…be sure that you're at the least having your tax professional look over your books if you're DIYing them. And even if you're outsourcing your bookkeeping, please have your tax professional do this as well. And collaborate with your bookkeeper So if they wanna see things done differently in their books they can say that, and they can give you an idea if they're being done correctly…
If you've been DIY ing your bookkeeping, but you're unable to keep your books up to date and you're not sure if your numbers are accurate. You definitely need to consider outsourcing your bookkeeping. It sounds like At this stage you are not going to be accurate or timely and it's probably something you're looking to get off of your plate So I highly recommend you consider outsourcing…
So some key factors to consider when it comes to DIY or outsourcing is Your budget. Can you afford to outsource right now? What stage of business are you in? Or would DIY…Bookkeeping help you save in the short term. Know if you're in that beginning stage of business, it might be a good idea to just do that for short period of time you get to know your books like if they're not too complicated you can probably stay on top of them.
Um could you devise a plan to DIY your books for a year or two And then outsource when business picks up so be sure that you're doing a budget because this going to clue you into what kind of margin you have and When you're in a growing stage of business when you're in that growth stage, You really need to understand on a monthly basis how your revenue and your expenses are changing…
and keep an eye on whether or not you could fit that into your budget. Another key factor to consider is time We talked about this and how having enough time to manage the bookkeeping is super important, but you also don't wanna be sacrificing other areas of your business So you have to really balance that out and weigh that out depending on your situation. Be real with yourself Do you see yourself being able to keep up with it If the answer is no then I highly recommend outsourcing. If you're a smaller business the cost would likely be less than a chiropractor who's doing a higher volume and has more complex bookkeeping…
And as far as complexity goes, you need to consider that Are your finances simple or more complicated Do you have a lot of loans bank accounts credit cards, to manage and reconcile and do you have um a lot of people that you pay? Do you have more complex payroll entries, because that's gonna be a little bit harder to understand and to keep up on in your bookkeeping. Also are you cash or accrual accounting? Most chiropractors are cash accounting. But I have seen some that are accrual.
Accrual is a more complicated bookkeeping system. The difference is in a nutshell, when you're cash you're recognizing…the sale as you receive money you're recognizing the expense as the money goes out. With accrual you're more so accounting for, you know the services…At the time they're done versus when they're paid out And then same with the expenses. You are…
Registering those expenses or documenting those expenses for the time period that they're incurred even if you didn't pay for them So it gets a little bit more complicated and tricky in the bookkeeping to account for accrual basis. Cash is much more simple and straightforward where accrual is gonna be more complicated and I don't recommend you managing that yourself So if you're accrual accounting definitely outsource your bookkeeping…
You have to also consider your goals. Are you planning to scale your practice or are you happy keeping it small? So if you're somebody who you're completely fine, keeping a lower volume of patients keeping just a more simple…small business and you're not interested in scaling adding new doctors adding new services, then prob there's probably more of a chance the DIY bookkeeping could work for you. And if you do outsource your bookkeeping there's more of a chance that you won't be paying the higher rates for bookkeeping. So a lot of things to consider, you know consider your budget consider your time, consider your complexity…your business complexity and consider your goals…
The last thing I'll talk about is…Doing hybrid approach and I did mention this earlier a little bit. Combining your DIY bookkeeping and…outsourced help So if you use software for day to day tracking and you hire a professional to review your bucks quarterly or annually, this could be a really good hybrid for you. It could be a good way to start out if you want to DIY your books but you're not quite sure how it's gonna go or if it'll be accurate or timely. And if you hire somebody to look things over you know whether that's your tax form that you work with already or an outsource bookkeeper that you find not all bookkeepers are gonna do this Some really like to just only work with people that they're doing a monthly service for but you be able to find somebody who does…
wanna just you know sit with you and will be okay to consult with you and guide you…
So you can have somebody look things over you know, quarterly or even monthly or even just in the beginning stages just to get you set up properly in like QuickBooks or another accounting software and guide you moving forward…
So it's up to you whatever level of help you need you could outsource for that and just just have somebody come in and you know consult with you every once in a while
a few benefits of doing the hybrid approach to your bookkeeping, is one that it's cost effective…you can get the professional help but not pay out all of that money for somebody doing it for you every month as a service. And another huge benefit is that you're ensuring…that you have that professional oversight…while you're still involved So kind of have the best of both worlds You're still in it You have your finger on the pulse. You are looking at all of your transactions and you're in control. Yet you have that professional touch on it…
So I am gonna wrap things up I know we went over um a lots of pros and cons here today and a lot of things to consider. It's important to make this choice based on what aligns with your goals and your values. If you enjoy numbers and you wanna have that deep dive and that control over your numbers then DIYing your bookkeeping might be a great thing for you to do. If you run the business with your spouse and they have the time and skills do the bookkeeping this could also work really well for you to DIY your books.
Do the research and set up a consultation with your tax professional or with a book keeper who could guide you while you're DIY it was start to reach out and you know see if somebody does that and and how that might work and how they could guide you. Also plug into education…to give you an idea of what it entails to do bookkeeping That could really help clue you in to whether or not it's something you even wanna do. Look at your schedule also and realistically think through when you could alott time to do the bookkeeping, just be real with yourself I recommend working on it weekly to keep up with it So if that's something you absolutely don't think you could do, it's probably not rate for you to DIY your books. Are you able to have a baked in admin day into your schedule and if so can you work on the bookkeeping then? Start to consider realistic scenarios like if you take you know half of the day Friday off and you try to work on your admin tasks then.
Would that alott enough time for you to also just incorporate the bookkeeping? If so then you probably have a fighting chance to keep up with your books. If you have that baked in to your schedule already. If you're someone who's been outsourcing, your bookkeeping and you're wondering if you should d DIY it and you know consider doing that Ask yourself how involved you've been in your books in the past. How much do you know about what's being done?
Do you understand your reports? And do you understand how everything has been categorized and organized in your books?
spend some time going through your bookkeeping software there and contemplate realistically…your level of understanding. And this isn't to scare you from DIY. This is to…Give you a realistic picture. Sometimes you just don't know what you don't know It can sound nice and it can sound simple but there's some a lot more to doing your bookkeeping than you think. So Start to gather the facts start to really look at your books if you have an outsourced bookkeeper, you know have them show you what's going on in your report and if you feel like…
it's something you could do…
then maybe they'd be open to just consulting with you versus doing the service for you monthly. So talk to them and find out. Only you can determine what's right for you but hopefully this episode assist you with that decision and help you consider things you may not have been considering before. But that's all I have for you today.
If you ever have and you'd like me to answer them on the podcast shoot me an email at support at financially adjusted dot com. Something I created that could help you in your financial journey is a free sample profit and loss statement specifically for chiropractors. This will show you benchmark percentages for each different line item that chiropractors use, and it'll guide you in what healthy numbers should look like. You can compare this with your own P and L and even use it to set up your categories and model it the same way. Make sure you share this episode with a friend who might be struggling with this decision…and um be sure to check out all the resources that I link up in the show notes the you know podcasts that would be helpful for you that sample P and L that wouldn't be helpful for you You'll find that all in the show notes. You can also just go to my website financially adjusted dot com and Go to free resources at the top.
Also just share the show in general with your chiropractic friends It's my goal to help as many of you as possible, and reviewing and sharing this podcast can help me a great deal in doing that. Thank you for tuning in to the financially adjusted podcast…
I appreciate what you do and I'm thankful for you. Taking control of your finances is a big step forward in building the practice of your dreams So props to you for advancing your knowledge and showing up here. Remember action brings clarity and imperfect action is better than none at all Alright my friend See you next Thursday…